@extends('layouts.admin') @section('page-title','') @section('breadcrumb') @include('admin.partials.crumb',[ 'crumbs'=>[ route('admin.dashboard')=>__('default.dashboard'), '#'=>isset($pageTitle)?$pageTitle:'' ]]) @endsection @section('content')
@php foreach($paginator as $row): @endphp @php endforeach; @endphp
{{ __lang('id') }} {{ __lang('role') }} {{__lang('actions')}}
{{ $row->id }} {{ $row->name }} @php if($row->id > 1): @endphp @php endif; @endphp @php if($row->id > 3): @endphp @php endif; @endphp
@php // add at the end of the file after the table echo paginationControl( // the paginator object $paginator, // the scrolling style 'sliding', // the partial to use to render the control null, // the route to link to when a user clicks a control link array( 'route' => 'admin/default', 'controller'=>'setting', 'action'=>'roles', ) ); @endphp